Film Title_________________________________________ Running Time_______________________________________ Completion Date:__________________________________ Submission Format: _______ NTSC VHS _______ DVD _____ Youth Film _____ Short Film (Under 45 minutes) _____ Feature (Under 45-90 minutes _____ Over 90 minutes Filmmaker Name:_______________________________________ Email:________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________ Where has your film shown?__________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Check the following:_____Oklahoma Film _____World Premiere _____Oklahoma Premiere _____ U.S. Premiere Short Description (Include Genere, orginal format. Promotional items such as photos and are encouraged) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
I give deadCENTER the non-exclusive rights to exhibit my work and use portions of it for promotional purposes. I understand that deadCENTER is not responsible for the loss or damage to my work. deadCENTER is not responsible for any copyright infringe met that might exist in my film. I acknowledge and agree to the conditions of this entry form. Signature:_______________________________ Date:_____________ |
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Final Deadline: April 1, 2002 Contact of accepted filmmakers: April 21, 2002 **Oklahoma Filmmakers: go to "Fees and Deadlines" for rate schedule** Youth Film (18yrs old & under, under 45 mins): $5.00 Shorts (Under 45 minutes): $20.00 Features (45-90 minutes): $30.00 Over 90 mins: $40.00 *All films must be post-marked by deadline* *All entry fees are non-refundable* *Filmmakers will only be contacted if accepted* |  |